Charm City Paranormal
Intrigued by the rumors surrounding what locals have deemed "The Most Haunted House in New York," the investigative team...
The team embarks on a thrilling expedition to Cresson, Pennsylvania, delving into the eerie depths of a once-bustling tu...
With anticipation coursing through their veins, the team journeys to Salamanca, New York, setting their sights on an anc...
With a sense of solemn purpose, the team returns to the very site that sparked their paranormal odyssey: Forest Haven. T...
As Mike and Ethan delve deeper into the enigmatic spirits of Forest Haven, uncovering layers of spectral intrigue, they ...
Mike and Ethan, joined by Steve and Dylan from Haunted Nights, combine their expertise to delve into the mysteries of on...
The team embarks on a chilling journey into the heart of a former movie theater, now transformed into a haunted house at...
Mike and Ethan travel to one of the most notorious prisons in the United States, determined to uncover evidence of paran...
Mike and Ethan delve into the Ohio State Reformatory, one of the paranormal world’s most iconic and notoriously haunted ...
Mike and Ethan embark on an intense journey to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, where they investigate two of its most infamous...
Mike heads back to the historic town of Gettysburg, joining forces with the Paranormal Files team to delve even deeper i...
Mike teams up with two new members of Charm City Paranormal, David and Matt, for a return visit to the notorious SCI Cre...